Sunday 12 August 2012

I have nothing to do to day so i just decided to take anther day on ma blog nobody has really commented is it because I'm ten years old or is it because people think I'm boring. That's what what I'm starting to think but my brother said i have to be patience but i have seen other people's blogs and they have been there for like 5 years ( i think) and no comments. I'm so excited because my little cousin is coming!!. I shared this blog with people i know but i have a feeling they think I'm boring and they are not bothered to read it. :( 
This is ma family  and that photo was when i was about 8 years old and i was going to grade 4 ( i think ) well i do look younger on there and my brother has like locks on his hair right now but on the picture he doesn't any-ways we were at the parking lot at the beach.

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