Wednesday 22 August 2012

Sorry I haven't been typing allot on da blog I have been lazy i might be doing my next blog it will be awesomer than this one its about woozworld!

Tuesday 14 August 2012

This is like day four and still no one commented seriously!!! today I'm not saying much coz i don't know what to say

Monday 13 August 2012

I'm so bored and this is like the third  day and still nobody still commented on ma blog seriously anyone gonna comment or some thin??

Sunday 12 August 2012

Ok guys threes some news i would like to tell you you wouldn't believe me but what the heck i rather tell you anyways its a secret i have been keeping for a while. Ok so wanna hear it....  I write my own song and sing have sang since i was 5 years old and i have written songs since i was 5. I have always wanted to sing in front of people but the problem is I'm a shy person threes no way i can show my talent i wish i can be all those celebrities there i wish i can be like that but i don't think it will ever happen so here i shared this hall thing with you..
I have nothing to do to day so i just decided to take anther day on ma blog nobody has really commented is it because I'm ten years old or is it because people think I'm boring. That's what what I'm starting to think but my brother said i have to be patience but i have seen other people's blogs and they have been there for like 5 years ( i think) and no comments. I'm so excited because my little cousin is coming!!. I shared this blog with people i know but i have a feeling they think I'm boring and they are not bothered to read it. :( 
This is ma family  and that photo was when i was about 8 years old and i was going to grade 4 ( i think ) well i do look younger on there and my brother has like locks on his hair right now but on the picture he doesn't any-ways we were at the parking lot at the beach.

Saturday 11 August 2012

Hey bloggers my name is Munopa I rather want my stage name to be Lil Avril thank you very much hahah joking with ya any-ways this is my first time blogging I'm only about ten years old " Omg a ten year old blogging " yeah yeah yeah! whatever I'm sure there are more ten year old blogging any-ways I'm turning grade 6 and  I'm turning 11 years old in march the 28 that's ma birthday!!

Any-ways the thing i want to change for grade 6 is... Ma maths I'm so terrible at my maths guys you have no idea! so i rather need someone to help me out or I'll just have to study school nights I'm not that kind of person who study on weekends or holidays its just not comfortable but sometimes you have to do well in school but if my holiday is like one week there's no point for me not to study! if its two weeks i can always study next week but 6 weeks maybe study the LAST week i hate studying but this is for my own good!

When i was grade 3 i was always made fun of by the grade 4 people i didn't know what to do or what to say all i did was cry and i didn't wanna come back to school but i had too!! listen my point is i came to this country when i was 5 i have been struggling boy! i wish i can be smart like you but listen i just find it hard to learn  i wish people could think and understand that but NO they make me feel awkward but now i have grown up and shared this i don't feel awkward about myself any-more i feel now people who have bullied me in the past have made me strong hahaha thanks for that! but i still struggle and i still find it hard to learn But i try my best at all times :) so always believe in yourself my daddy said that to me when he was teaching to ride a bike. So I will always tries hard and learn hard now i can spell because the amount of people who have helped me on a game could woozworld! and thanks to my mom i can read since i was grade 3.


Hey bloggers! this is my first time blogging so don't put any bad comments this may be hard for me because i don't know how to blog very well i made a blog befor but i forgot my password and tried and tried and i'm ten years old. Yep a ten year old on this " how weird is that " its not weird at all think back they might be some ten year old's blogging. So i'm turning grade six and theres many things i need to change this year is.... my maths i'm terrible at maths so i need someone to help me or study i'm not a big fan of studying on ma weekends or ma summer holidays its not the kind thing i would do sorry no thanks to that!

School nights are normal! i mean isn't summer and weekends for you to have FUN!!! and relax?!?!? The next thing i need to change is.... this is kind of madness but i am addicted to this game could " woozworld " its really addictive even my friend agrees with me with that she used to be addicted to it too lol  so the thing is i need to be more focus to my life then being in that stupid game i mean what do they put there to make you go on it more and more?!?!?